Web Platform
Automated compatability documentation about Web features and specific APIs
JavaScript API
- AbortController
- AbortPaymentEvent
- AbortSignal
- AbsoluteOrientationSensor
- AbstractRange
- Accelerometer
- AmbientLightSensor
- AnalyserNode
- ANGLE_instanced_arrays
- Animation
- AnimationEffect
- AnimationEvent
- AnimationPlaybackEvent
- AnimationTimeline
- atob
- Attr
- AudioBuffer
- AudioBufferSourceNode
- AudioContext
- AudioData
- All JavaScript API features
- HTML attribute: accesskey
- HTML attribute: anchor
- HTML attribute: autocapitalize
- HTML attribute: autocorrect
- HTML attribute: autofocus
- HTML attribute: class
- HTML attribute: contenteditable
- HTML attribute: data_attributes
- HTML attribute: dir
- HTML attribute: draggable
- HTML attribute: enterkeyhint
- HTML attribute: exportparts
- HTML attribute: hidden
- HTML attribute: id
- HTML attribute: inert
- HTML attribute: inputmode
- HTML attribute: is
- HTML attribute: lang
- HTML attribute: nonce
- HTML attribute: part
- All HTML5 features
- CSS property: accent-color
- CSS property: align-content
- CSS property: align-items
- CSS property: alignment-baseline
- CSS property: align-self
- CSS property: all
- CSS property: alt
- CSS property: anchor-name
- CSS property: anchor-scope
- CSS property: animation
- CSS property: animation-composition
- CSS property: animation-delay
- CSS property: animation-direction
- CSS property: animation-duration
- CSS property: animation-fill-mode
- CSS property: animation-iteration-count
- CSS property: animation-name
- CSS property: animation-play-state
- CSS property: animation-range
- CSS property: animation-range-end
- All CSS features
- HTTP header: Accept
- HTTP header: Accept-CH
- HTTP header: Accept-Encoding
- HTTP header: Accept-Language
- HTTP header: Accept-Ranges
- HTTP header: Access-Control-Allow-Credentials
- HTTP header: Access-Control-Allow-Headers
- HTTP header: Access-Control-Allow-Methods
- HTTP header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin
- HTTP header: Access-Control-Expose-Headers
- HTTP header: Access-Control-Max-Age
- HTTP header: Access-Control-Request-Headers
- HTTP header: Access-Control-Request-Method
- HTTP header: Age
- HTTP header: Alt-Svc
- HTTP header: Attribution-Reporting-Eligible
- HTTP header: Attribution-Reporting-Register-Source
- HTTP header: Attribution-Reporting-Register-Trigger
- HTTP header: Attribution-Reporting-Support
- HTTP header: Authorization
- All HTTP features
Web Feature with Baseline status
- <a>
- <abbr>
- Abortable fetch
- AbortController and AbortSignal
- AbortSignal.any()
- abs() and sign()
- Absolute positioning
- Accelerometer
- accent-color
- <address>
- all
- Alt text for generated content
- Anchor positioning
- animation-composition
- Animations (CSS)
- appearance
- ARIA attribute reflection
- Array (initial support)
- Array at()
- Array by copy
- All Web Feature with Baseline status features